
Yes, Dan is an elite member of the prestigious Genre Guardians. Don't know them? They go to another school.
Unfortunately, Dan fell victim to some mindless programmer's morning cup of coffee. Right on the motherboard, that's gotta sting.
Dan now periodically forgets what genre he controls, which is obviously not great.
Dan, however, being the elite Genre Guardian he is, took it like a champ and refused to resign from the board, in spite of every single one of his colleagues informing him it was a bad decision, to which he responded with, "ZAP! BZZzzt... Woah.. hey Obama." 

Your job: collect as many points as you can, though what that may look like is altogether unstable. One moment you may be facing off with a zombie in a intense 1v1, and at the next, you're a detective from the 1960s. Who knows? (Not Dan, that's for sure)


WASD/Arrow Keys to move
Space to jump (Dependent on Genre)
LMB to fire (Dependent on Genre)


If you are experiencing audio crackle and/or mouse jitter, please try the downloadable version.

This game was made in eight days for the PIGsquad Summer Slow Jam 2024 #2 with the themes: "Random Generation," and "Controlling the Chaos."

Roguelike palette: Gigaboy
Puzzler palette: SLSO8
Font: "EDU AU VIC WAS NT Hand" from Google Fonts under the SIL Open Font License.


Build1.exe 68 MB

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